So, I'll be staying at Zac's house for a couple days because there's air conditioning here and it's supposed to top 100 degrees both today and tomorrow. I was much more excited about this prospect before I found out that Leti and Sophia had the exact same idea I did
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The journey to lessen the storage-closet-to-my-room-ratio slogs on. We've hit the wall of Mum's boxes that I can't really help much with. I guess I'll dive into my bookshelf and see what I can do there. And then make another Powell's run I guess. Ugh
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So, I might be past the stage in my life where I document my thoughts and learnings in livejournal form. I'm not abandoning this journal -- I've had it for too damn long and it contains too many damn important records of events to truly abandon it. I wish I still posted here, because looking back on where I was last year is a valuable mode of
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Hello world! It's a lovely spring morning and ain't it grand? And here's me, sitting on my haunches struggling over a soc paper. Why am I here, updating my LJ? It should feel like a waste of keystrokes
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Hmmm. I feel like there are things I should be doing, but I've crossed everything off my to-do list for the before-class period today. I poked around on the SULIS website and posted a paragraph on Blackboard. I banged my head against Sketchup for a little while (a very little while) and when that didn't work, emailed Terry about it. I browsed
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I went dressed as a lady pirate captain! Basically I smushed my three Halloween costume ideas (gypsy, pirate, and Willie Wonka) into one costume, and it was mostly pirate with a little bit of gypsy. Most colorful pirate ever, too
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